Antonin Scalia Fellowship

The Antonin Scalia Fellowship (ASF) is a graduate-level seminar examining America’s Constitutional framework. Over the course of 10 sessions, a highly-select cohort will explore the conservative movement in historical perspective; delve into current legal policy debates; and consider opportunities and strategies for advancing the rule of law in a variety of areas. Topics covered will include the first amendment’s future, the new administrative state, and the structure of democracy.

Facilitated by legal scholar Adam White, seminars will include conversations with leading experts designed to offer fellows a place to learn, debate, and engage cutting edge issues in real time. ASF will consist of 10 seminars, to be held approximately monthly on weekday evenings.

All seminars will be held in-person in Washington, D.C. TPIF will host happy hours and other optional events in the DC area throughout the course for ASF fellows.


Ideal candidates will be early to mid-career lawyers with a background working in government, the legal sector, think-tanks, academia, or media.

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The ideal fellow is a young professional committed to preserving liberty, upholding free markets, defending constitutionalism, promoting a robust civil society, and fostering United States leadership abroad.
