

Launched in 2015, The Public Interest Fellowship draws on the legacy of that great journal of ideas and policy founded by Daniel Bell and Irving Kristol. The Public Interest nourished generations of individuals dedicated to meeting the moral and political challenges of the day through the rigorous study of contemporary America and the recovery of the enduring principles of the American constitutional tradition.

Conceived in that spirit, The Public Interest Fellowship provides exceptional young men and women with professional opportunities and a continuing education in the principles of American constitutional government and the modern tradition of freedom. The unique combination of work and study is designed to advance fellows’ pursuit of careers devoted to enriching the political and cultural life of the United States.

Visit the archives of The Public Interest and National Affairs  to read much of the writing that inspired the formation of our fellowship program and continues to inform our mission.


The Public Interest Fellowship (TPIF) operates six fellowships: the flagship two-year Public Interest Fellowship, the Security and Strategy Seminar, the Antonin Scalia Fellowship, the Richard John Neuhaus Fellowship, the American Capitalism Seminar, and the Fellowship on Military History and Strategy. TPIF also offers two grant opportunities: the National Security Grant and Book Grant Programs.

Through the six fellowships, TPIF seeks to identify, develop, and elevate future leaders devoted to liberty and the public interest. Our programs build a tightly knit community of political, policy, and journalism professionals that can lead public discussion and undertake political action.

The ideal fellow is a young professional committed to preserving liberty, upholding free markets, defending constitutionalism, promoting a robust civil society, and fostering United States leadership abroad.

We are now accepting applications for our National Security Grant and Book Grant programs. Applications for TPIF’s fellowships are currently closed.


Garrett Exner

Executive Director

Peter Berkowitz

Director of Studies

Serena Pfeiffer

Deputy Director

Nani Beraha

Director of Operations

Kate Matus

Director of Alumni Engagement

Holly Stackhouse

Director of External Affairs

Renee Lataif

Special Projects Coordinator